AI and the written word

As a technologist, I’m always interested in advances in artificial intelligence and have been following the AI art debacle in the news. If you don’t know about it, feel free to read more about it here.

Today though, I was interested in a difference art form. The art of writing. I’d read an article about the OpenAI app, ChatGPT, and how it was going to make the work of writing teachers much more difficult. Being in education myself, I admit to being a bit critical.

That was until I tried it out. Once you arrive at their website, OpenAI has you login using one of several options. I used my google login and was immediately granted free access to ChatGPT. It details some of its strengths and weaknesses and then opens up a pretty plain page with a simple prompt.

From my very first line of text, I was blown away. I tried, “How are wildfires changing the American west” and the software wrote a very well written essay on exactly that. I ran it through a plagiarism tool, and … nothing.

I tried all sorts of prompts, “compare Van Halen to AC/DC”, “write a 1000 word essay comparing themes from Lord of the Rings to Chronicles of Narnia”, “write 500 words about the history of Amish quilting”. Each time it “wrote” word by word, on my screen, the topic I’d requested.

Finally, I asked it to “write a playful, sincere 400 word essay about raising livestock in 4h club for a college admission essay” (FTR, while I did attend 4H Club as a teen, I never raised livestock). Here is what I received in full:

Raising livestock as a member of the 4-H club has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have learned so much about responsibility, hard work, and the importance of taking care of animals.

When I first joined the 4-H club, I was a little nervous about the idea of raising livestock. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for the commitment, or if I even knew enough about animals to do it well. But as I began to learn more about the process and work with my fellow 4-H members, I quickly realized that raising livestock was something that I truly enjoyed.

One of the most challenging aspects of raising livestock is the amount of time and effort that it requires. Unlike many other hobbies, raising animals is a 24/7 commitment. They need to be fed, watered, and cared for every day, no matter what the weather is like or how busy I might be. This has taught me the value of hard work and dedication, and I have become much more responsible and reliable as a result.

Another important lesson that I have learned from raising livestock is the importance of taking good care of animals. As a 4-H member, I have been taught the importance of providing animals with proper nutrition, shelter, and medical care. I have also learned about the different behaviors and needs of different species of animals, and how to best meet those needs. This has given me a greater appreciation for the animals that we rely on for food, fiber, and companionship.

But perhaps the most valuable thing that I have gained from raising livestock as a 4-H member is a sense of community and camaraderie. As a 4-H member, I have had the opportunity to work and learn alongside other young people who are passionate about raising animals. We have supported each other through the challenges and successes of the process, and have formed lasting friendships along the way.

In conclusion, raising livestock as a member of the 4-H club has been an incredibly rewarding experience for me. It has taught me valuable lessons about hard work, responsibility, and the importance of taking care of animals. It has also given me a sense of community and camaraderie that I will always treasure. I am grateful for the opportunities that the 4-H club has given me, and I am excited to continue to learn and grow as a livestock raiser in the years to come.

At this point, all I can say is, I’m glad I’m not a high school English teacher.

~ by odin1eye on 9 December, 2022.

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